I make code-based art and design projects. This page has some example sketches. More can be found on my GitHub

Forget me not
remote Flower Watering

Remote Flower Watering Tutorial

Have you ever wanted to take care of a loved one from afar? In this project, I designed a system to water your loved ones’ plants remotely, using 2 Arduinos, a photosensor, a servo motor, a Processing sketch, and a Spacebrew toolkit (oh, and water and flowers, of course!). By the end, you will be able to water the plants of those you care about, no matter how far away they are!

BEACON Self-Defense Necklace

After a friend was robbed at gunpoint on her walk home, I designed a wearable alarm for her. The act of co-designing a wearable alarm was an act of love as well as a design challenge.

Ultimately, she and I decided to create a necklace alarm featuring a (very loud!) piezo-style buzzer that would ideally scare off a future attacker and raise awareness of an emergency situation to bystanders. Because of the natural reaction to fear to reach toward the chest, we designed the alarm to be triggered when the wearer touches the necklace with a ring worn on the finger. We used a copper ring, but any metallic/conductive trigger would set off the alarm.

Visit the tutorial for making your very own BEACON on Instructables. 

Read Edge of Urge's article on the BEACON


Crystalline Highlands is an interactive installation and experience set in an other-worldly environ. The audience is asked to disengage with expected touch interaction, and use their time in the installation to consider alternative touch responses and physical connections to the natural and semi-natural elements in the room. Digitized super 8mm footage coupled with De Jong inspired mathematical attractors and sounds were altered by the movements of the participants. 

The installation was made possible by the integration of openFrameworks, Spacebrew, Processing, Arduinos, sound sensors, infrared sensors, handmade capacitive touch sensors, and networked projectors. For a full tutorial see our Instructables page. 

The installation was part of a series of interactive work shown at Come Out and Play. 

AV Synth Sketches with Radio Interface



openCV face recognition Haar cascade with a database of naturally occurring crystal and geological formations as a substitute. 


Black Gold // 3D Sound Responsive Mesh

BlackVoid // openframeworks Sound Responsive 3D Mesh Sketch 

Marigold Mesh // Super 8mm Color Pull

This sketch I made using still from a super 8mm film. 


Screenshot 2014-07-08 16.39.36.png

Cloud Kite // 3D Solid-State Mesh over Super 8mm

Screenshot 2014-04-27 19.45.52.png