Film Festivals
In addition to making films and working for college and community film festivals, such as Visions Film Festival and Cucalorus Film Festival (both are fantastic!), I founded a film festival and community organization dedicated to fostering a fun and absurdly humorous film experiences.
Star News Article on the Cheese Sandwich Film Festival
Creator and Director 2008 - 2011
The CS (Chips and Salsa; Cheese Sandwich) Film Festivals were an initiative to promote community filmmaking. Each festival had a theme and film entries were required to be 3 minutes or less. Local colleges with film programs added CS Films development to their curriculums. Also, local film cooperatives teamed together to make films. Participants were encouraged to lend their film direction and editing experience to less experienced participants.
The festivals provided free food from local businesses and all proceeds were donated to The Good Shepard Food Kitchen and Cucalorus Film Festival.