blink blink Creative Circuit Kits

Overview: blink blink is a circuit kit-based social venture I cofounded while earning my MFA in Design and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design. We co-designed the educational circuit toolkits - featuring LEDs, batteries, sewable electronics - with hundreds of girls (ages 12-16) to break through the barriers to science, technology, art, and engineering (STEM).
Motivation: Only 24 percent of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is comprised of women. There are many barriers to these fields, among them are access to materials, experience with electronics, positive reinforcement, welcoming spaces to explore electronics, and a lack of role models. blink blink was designed to address each of those barriers.
Design Research: We engaged in a two-year co-design process with teen girls from across the United States to build a product that met their needs. We regularly hosted mini-engagements and workshops with middle and high school arts and makerspaces to observe engagement with a variety of hands-on STEM-related experiences to inform our end product design. We conducted interviews and used surveys to refine the product and better serve the users’ needs. We were fortunate to receive a grant from 4.0 Schools that allowed us to participate in a 3-month human-centered design intensive in New Orleans. During our time at 4.0 schools, we hosted a daily design research engagement with girls in our target age group, which allowed us to rapidly design and refine aspects of our product, and develop new products. At the end of each day, we would participate in a facilitated analysis of our findings from the day.
Outcome: After two years of designing and refining blink blink's offerings, we developed a successful educational toolkit and curriculum that many girls were excited to engage with. Our kits provide young women with the opportunity to explore, create, and play with STEM concepts via soft circuit projects that result in creating items that are wearable and interactive (i.e., light-up, make music, etc.). blink blink supports girls in overcoming some of the barriers to STEM studies and careers.
blink blink is now a startup based in NYC. The project has been featured widely in the media including Time Magazine and Forbes. and has won a variety of awards. Please visit for more information.

Winner of the New Challenge Grant
Winner of Maker Faire Editor's Choice and Best in Class Award
Winner 4.0 Launch Educator Startup Incubator